Saturday, June 18, 2011

Some Tips...

Now am going to give you all some health tips which I got from my aunt. I dunno whether it works or not But some can believe in this.....First of all one thing before taking these tips . One should have positive thoughts before doing these ...

.To Become slim...
Many of you may want to become thin. Its a thing for people that being some what fat is a curse and they feel like they were pushed alone always.
1.Add a teaspoon of honey in a tumbler of hot water and mix it well . Drink this every morning to become slim. My brother has tried this and got some improvement after a while. This may take some time But be regular.

To Become fat....
Most of the thin fellows will be teased due to their thin body. But you know only they can do everything with that body even if they beat it will be more painful.But if any of you like to become fat
1..Add a teaspoon of honey in a tumbler of milk of medium heat and mix it well . Drink this every night before going to bed to become fat.I am doing this these days .It should be done regularly as I refuse this even my mother compels as I don't like milk.{care:don't add honey in hot milk as the milk will get wasted}
2. Eat a country banana(naatu vazhai palam) daily night. This will surely improve your body and blood circulation.

To Become tall....
hahaha... mostly many will drink complan for this... But you know there is another way. Do some skipping and pull ups to every morning . May be this will make you taller...

These tips are for our satisfactions . But if we maintain our normal diet and eat consistently doing proper work and taking proper rest we could maintain our body .
But try these out carefully and regularly for some improvement.
Kumararaja[hoping you all try this and will tell the results after few days]

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