Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Out In The Dark : Part-1

                The orange rays of the sun poured into Littleville as the small town was about to enter a cold evening,eminent from the breeze which gave the people down there a cold run down their spine.Littleville was a small overdeveloped village where you could not find any lack of resource,and it was almost a city.Kids and children over there are the highlight of the town,they always seem to be carefree,and seem to be withholding just one motto in life- "No matter what,nothing is an issue".All streets would swarm up with teens, doing different activities- playing soccer,bicycle stunts,races,softball,also just gathering at a corner and whiling away time by just munching and chatting general teenage issues...those talks would greatly be over dominated by girlfriend boyfriend talks.....
- inevitably the most common issue among the teens of this era,and particularly in this town.On the other hand,well lets say-On the contrary the parents and the elder people are quite reserved.And also they are people who are firm believers in moral issues and in disciplinary scale.
              Rick's sleep was snatched by a rocketed shriek from Sean- "Call for you". Rick mumbled to himself -"These calls!! More annoying younger brothers!".Rick was fresh out of high school,waiting to enter college. He was a tall boy,with boyish looks and medium long jet black air with sparkling and curious brown eyes.He came down the stairs and took the phone... a sharp voice from the other end shouted with a soft grunt, "Hey dude...wassup?".Rick realized it was Paul at the other end.Paul was the entire contrast of Rick,he was short stout fellow with an overgrown beard and a small mustache.He had short red hair which he spiked it constantly.Rick and Paul were the best buddies one could ever see.They were meant to be friends on their birth.
              Rick snapped, "Paul, don't you dare to disturb my evening naps here after,or I am sure of dashing your brains out".Paul retorted -"Dude,you better do it,because its boring to the core here"
              "Then you better take naps like me!"
               "Awww...come on you know I hate sleeping!"
               "Whatever,you have disturbed me now,so you are in debt to me.So entertain me and clear your debts my dear friend."
               "I knew this was coming!!I knew it."
                There was a momentary silence which was broken by Rick- " So what shall we do?"
                Paul reluctantly spoke out- "I have an idea,but that is totally insane!"
                "I don't know if that plan is for real..."
                 "Then better shoot it at me."
                 Paul waited for a minute and then spoke with an irregular soft voice "If you want me to tell it,then promise me we are going to do it tonight"
                 "Okay!! I promise!!"
                Paul cleared his throat.,and then with an air of loudness he told Rick- "Without the knowledge of our house,tonight we both are going to spend the night out in the dark streets outside.."
To be continued.....

Next :-
Part 2
                                       Signing Off,
                                      Sethu Raman

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