Sunday, June 05, 2011

Don't believe it,then you get it:LUCK

Hey Guys,
I am a firm believer of luck,at least for one reason :"How could you describe the success of those you dislike without his?" Luck also has a strange habit of helping people who don't depend on it.Luck has always been a roller coaster ride for me.With peaks and with equal bumps.But certainly bad luck overrules good ones in mine,ironically what I am going to narrate here is a small piece of luck for an innocent fellow[That is me ;)]
When people talk to me,they easily find out,that I am a guy who gets easily preoccupied with boredom.This happens when people talk to me,so imagine,to what extent i get bored if I have no one to talk with.This was one such day.Bored to the core,I even felt like banging my head onto the wall.I was indifferently watching TV.And was least bothered what they were showing,and I was just flipping channels.I saw the trailer of the film "Expendables".This did not sound a bad idea-"Okay ,let me go to the theater and while away time by watching this".But I had to go alone.I hated that,but something is better than nothing.I would have been very very glad if a girl had accompanied me ;) But tough luck for me.So I went there,parked my bike,went to the counter and bought a second class ticket-only that was available.But it did not matter.So when they let us in,first a checking official tears the ticket into two and and gives us one part which you will have to give inside the theater so he would direct us into our seat.I very well knew this procedure.But by some thought i had tossed away my part of the ticket! So the man,when he asked for it,I was empty handed,so instead of directing me to the seat,he directed me to the exit.I had to go to the counter and buy another one! Bad luck was well groomed for me....all the tickets were sold.So,I had nothing to do,but to go back.Went to the parking lot.I got onto my bike,I saw a ticket lying down.I reluctantly took it,for I knew that would be a ticket for an already finished show.Great surprise,It was to the same show,guess what... It was a first class ticket too! I wasted no more time.
Signing Off,
Sethu Raman[hoping luck turns up again]

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