Sunday, April 15, 2012

Nanba!! my testimonial to you (Sethu)

This day(April 15), Many important events have have happened all around the globe over the passage of history to name a few Titanic Disaster,Abraham Lincoln's death,Leonardo Da Vinci's birthday, Guru Nanak Dev's birthday, Insulin available to the common man... Even though so many important things have happened even Wikipedia missed one important happening it's the birthday of Sethu Raman, our own Exprezzopark author!!

I don't exactly remember the date when I met him for the first time, but I remember the place very well it's the Visalakshipuram Branch of the Jeevana School when we were in 4th Standard, the friendship that grew from then has lasted till now without any cracks or tiffs :)
This pic was taken in 5th Standard in Jeevana School :) Those were evergreen memories

Even though friendship is said to be of mutual give and take, in our case I took more than what he took for sure... Every time when I finish my globetrotting for playing chess and returning to school, Huge sum of homework would be accumulated and it was Sethu,Yunnus and Palani's notes that saved me most of the days in school! I am highly indebted to you guys :) (PS Even the teachers strongly advocated me to get the notes of these friends, because not only they were toppers, they had mastered the art of legitimate handwriting!! )

Even though the limited time I spent in Jeevana was memorable, the really special moments for me in the school were spent with Sethu without an iota of doubt..

We had lot of ideas and interests in common and the place where our boardroom discussions on these ideas or to say debates take place was the school bus.... those 45 mins in the morning and in the evening will not end if we don't gossip on cinema or sports..

Sethu was the driving force behind the exprezzopark blog in it's early days, with his articles being a massive hit and the important point was his articles were read by hordes of female fans, which no other male author in exprezzopark could do till now :)

My friend this day as you have turned 18!! A number which every youth looks upon with anticipation to proudly say am no more a minor :) All I would like to say is have a blast and enjoy every moment in your life..

Though Wikipedia doesn't have a record of Sethu's name right now in the notable birthdays of April 15, Viewers take note for sure, one day very soon he will be on the top of the ladder of whichever profession he chooses and with his name be in company likes of Leonardo da Vinchi in the birthday list of April 15.

This day Titanic sank but for sure our friendship will never sink is what I strongly believe as I end this article.

Signing off is K.Priyadharshan!!(murmuring the song Mustafa Mustafa song from Jeans)


  1. Dude..!! so touchy mate...!! I love u..!!
    P.S (Am not gay!!)

  2. @Sethu your welcome:) and hoping to read your classy comic caaper articles soon in our Exprezzopark

    @Ashik namma'la oru gang da! idhula enne sandhegam :)
